Saturday 6 August 2016

Serenity's Cloak.

There are times when life is at a complete pause, 
You want to fight but you have no cause,
Rendezvous with twists are latent,
Life has nothing good but still my heart is impatient,
Don't know where to step my foot, cause I can find no race,
There are so many troubles but I am so tired to face,
Laying motionless on ground,
I have no limits but still I am so much bound,
I want to scream again and go back to my life,
But I am so tired that I don't want to strive,
Peace has become the new noise,
There is an unprecedented balance but still no poise,
I expect no more,
Cause  I know the reality,
And reality is so sore,
And life has become an  adversity,
With so many storms inside by heart,
I bear a serenity's cloak,
I had so many plans,
But no longer do I stroke.
A rendezvous with standstill is going on,
Don't know whether to be happy or go out to moan.
With every passing second,
I am drowning in the bog,
Thin is the light and so dense is the fog.


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