Wednesday 8 June 2016

Work hard in silence....

Our future lies not in our hands, but in our works. In this world, there is only one thing pre-decided that nothing is actually decided. Therefore no prediction, no suggestion thrown at you can ever be real or authentic except one thing that you are a true genius. The lines in your hand are only functional until and unless you start working but the day, you take up a firm decision to change your fate, the lines in your hand would fall short of depicting your greatness and they would have to change. Keep in mind some weltered lines can never portray how much greatness you would exhibit or how much nescience would creep into you head, they are actually inconclusive lines which can never tell you anything; only your determination to work hard, to persevere and to surpass all the odds. Life is actually the biggest game of the world. Its not a mathematical expression where things would always go pre-decided, where everything is already pre-destined; here passion and willingness to succeed, here even the champions can wilt down and the losers can come up to reach the top, here uncountable underdogs are produced every day and here greatness is what you need, here all the rules can be violated, here the rags can become riches and vice versa too, here the weakest can become strongest in paradigm manner and here most often the luck prevaricates. Life is truly the most abstruse game which nobody can understands because the rules of this game are indeed prepared by the players. If you deserve more, the rules would bend for you and if you are a complaint personality, the rules would become inflexible for you. 

Its lies on you to choose whether you are compliant to the world or obdurate enough to transform the world. 


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