Thursday 19 May 2016

Striking up the balance....

Life is too hard to be lived easily. Indeed life is full of a deluge of surprises. Many a times, so many unexpected things would commence happening in a spree that the in toto life would change into a complete pandemonium, contrary to that sometimes life is such a latent state that it’s hard to live without any enthusiasm.  Many a time so much happiness sweeps in life while most of the times sadness shrouds us in an uneven mystery. Many a times you would feel as if life has defeated you or sometimes you may feel you have conquered the invincible life.

Actually, change is the language of nature. In life one day everything has to change, be it you, your style, your time and consequently your life and hence nothing stays much with us for a long time. Just in the same fashion, our time to will change and no matter what’s happening to us currently, this too shall pass. Change is the only constant thing in the world. If you are having a tough time, keep in mind that if your good times couldn’t last forever, how can your tough time be always there while on the other hand, if you are having a nice time then keep in mind that if your bad times couldn’t haunt you much, how would your good times let you relish them throughout the life.

The biggest problem with mankind is that we all forget our previous adventures as soon as we jump into the new one. Whenever anything good happens, we immerse ourselves so much into it, that we forget that we also used to have bad times while when we have a bad time, we plunge into depression so much that we stop looking for various good things that are still present around us. Only a balanced life is life lived good and hence we need to strike up a balance between everything. We need to strike the balance between our work, our things, our emotions and almost everything as far as possible. When you strike a balance between things and get neither too happy when something elating happens and nor too sad when something bad happens, serenity would take the place of panic and life would be much more tractable. What we need is just a simple balance that would eradicate all our sorrows by debilitating all the excessive expectations as well as depression and guilt and eventually after that life would soon transform into a wonderful place where you are neither too much attached to things nor alienated from them and this form of life is truly enjoyable.

Life is actually a pseudonym of balances. If on one side you put too much stress, it would let to recession in the other one while if the other one is unbalance, the first one might lose its charm. The balances are actually different aspects life and now the ball in your court. Either put it in middle to balance, or on the either side to recede away….



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