Tuesday 17 May 2016


India houses many different kinds of people in terms of almost everything, be it according to religion, colour, thinking, mentality and a plethora of criterion can follow but one of the unique kind of people that our nation gives refuge to are those type of people who are constantly cursing the nation for all the things that the nation doesn't have or is presently weak in. You can find such kind of people everywhere, you can find them in your schools or colleges, cursing Indian education system for making them poor in their subjects, you can see them outside every entrance examination center citing that India now has nothing to do for youngsters and only nations like USA and UK are the best, many a times you can find them in your office rebuking the way various processes take place (e.g. corruption, slow and sluggish process and blah blah blah (because these kind of cheap people don't need any excuse in order to start their slandering conversation)). You can find them anywhere in the nation, but despite of their location throughout the nation, one things that's pretty common to them is that all of them are mere losers in their life and when they got no reason to blame anybody except our tolerant country.

Lately I went to a passport office for some work. While my mother and I were waiting for my turn, I started reading "The man who knew Infinity" by Robert Kanigel. I was sitting besides my mom, when suddenly my mother spotted an old lady who resides near my house. She was also there for the same purpose and started talking to my mom. Rather than beating about the bush, the lady soon came to the point advising me that I should get my passport in order as soon as possible because India has got nothing for youngsters and as I have passed my class XII I must find a way to move out to developed nation. Morever she commenced condemning the whole nation for everything with the gamut ranging from political scams to economic situation etc. Despite of the fact that almost none of her family members has till now gone outside of India and her whole lineage was brought up in India,studied in India and her sons are working in India but still she doesn't like India. Obviously she was not the only one out there among those people who were so tensed for their passports to go outside the nation and I could clearly hear many people pointing out errors in our country all through the time they were waiting in my room for their turns. What was more paradoxical to the situation was the dilemma that shrouded my because at once I was listening two voices; one of an american applauding the Indian genius in the highest terms and on the other hand worthless people (unfortunately Indians) applauding America in the biggest manner possible. On one hand Kanigel was calling South India as a place where in just a few minutes you can feel spiritual vibrations crossing you, on the other hand those who had the got the privilege to feel all such enigmatic things find it disgusting.

In India, most of the people are like this only. They just want to show that India is the worst nation ever possible, if these people are given a chance to speak then such people (though they are incapable of giving any strong or true claim) can prove that Afghanistan is much more at peace than India. Such things are truly demeaning for a nation like India. The nations that taught the world how to count is now the nation from where engineers want to go away. Thousands of IIT or IIM graduates settle away in countries like USA or UK but these people should be ashamed of themselves because actually India taught them everything, it gave them IITs and spent so much on their education (Indian government spends 28 lakh in four years on an IITian) and then they just go away claiming that India has no option of them. Let me remind you that Sir S. Ramanujan, the biggest mathematician the world has ever seen, the one who invented his Maths himself, loved India so much that when he came to know that his death was near, he came back to India because he wanted to die in the lap of his motherland. Who are these people in front of Ramanujan? A speck or less may be but still the biggest mathematician during 1900s (even when India was a British Colony) loved his country so much and these people who are nowhere even comparable to him call India a barren and foreign countries a fecund land. Let me tell you such people (I am referring to all technical analysts, doctors etc.) who go away to other nations just because they are getting a good job are a stigma for India. After some time when they get a citizenship out there, they are in a hurry and eagerness to prove to the world that they are not Indians, they were just born there, because they feel it to be a shameful thing to be called Indian. They claim that a nation which housed the world's first and biggest university; the nation that taught the world geometry and trigonometry doesn't have scope for science, but these in actuality these people don't have any scope to do something new because they a born to be foreign slaves rather than being part of the world's greatest civilization. I am actually referring to people who go outside the nation and all through their life criticize India for its shortcomings, and certainly not those who love their country but are working abroad for some other reasons.

Our motherland gave birth to all such people and today they feel that the nation has nothing to give to them. Now let me ask such people what they have given to the nation. They can't even count one thing which they have given to the nation. These people just know how to condemn the nation, rather than correcting things.A true person would be someone who would change the things if he doesn't like them the way they are but only cowards can sit in one corner and spend their life time condemning the whole nation. Let me tell you one thing ask not what India has done for you, ask what you can do for India. The nation, which gave world almost everything. Our Ayurveda is the oldest medicinal science and almost the whole world's medical science is based on its results, our mathematicians developed number theory and zero (the fundamental thing of all mathematics), we told the world that things are made up of atoms. Even Einstein and almost all other great scientists have approbated the fact. Even today we are on the top of most of the things and in things we are not particular exceptional, day by day we are progressing and one day, like we always used to be.

Today we need young people who are ready to strengthen the nation rather than condemning it. Today we need helping hands and not those who learn everything here and go out condemning the nation. The choice is yours which way you would want to go..


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